The University of Washington School of Medicine

Gonzaga University Health Partnership

Emerald Initiative, The University of Washington School of Medicine, Gonzaga University, and the Regional Health Partnership have joined together to develop the new Health Sciences Building in Spokane: a new 100,000 square foot, four-story building located just south of Gonzaga’s campus. It will be the new home to UW’s School of Medicine and UW’s MEDEX Northwest Physician Assistant program, and Gonzaga’s Department of Human Physiology programs.

The new building features cadaver teaching labs, research labs, an anatomy suite, classrooms and administrative offices for both university partners.

Optima™ fume hoods evolve with your needs. It has an instantly adjustable work surface that improves ergonomics and accommodates persons with disabilities. It is designed for 80-100 feet per minute face velocities this hood is available in various sizes and sash configurations all with enhanced features.

  • Spokane, Washington, USA

  • McKinstry’s Emerald Initiative, Collins Woerman, Mott Manufacturing, Bouten Construction

  • Optima™ Fume Hoods, Pro Series Fume Hoods, Stainless Steel Casework, Painted Steel Casework, Ergonomic Tables, Stainless Steel ADA Sink Units, Stainless Steel Scullery Sinks, And Stainless Steel Work Surfaces


Cytokinetics, Inc. l Headquarters and R&D Facility


University of Toronto Mississauga l New Science Building